
Install package in your environment :

pip install emencia-request-form

For development usage see System requirements.

Configuration from scratch#

Enable application stack#

Add it to your installed Django apps in settings :

    # Add required DjangoCMS applications here
    # ...
    # Required Request form application stack


Configure behaviors and options from settings#

There is many settings depending applications, in order:


There is just too much possible scenario to describe, check the DjangoCMS documentation for details.


We recommend at least to define the captcha lifespan with:


Captcha code will be available for 5 minutes.

There is many more settings you may want to customize, see Django simple captcha documentation.


For a simple configuration you may allow for any format in international syntax:


This will allows for +33 1 12 34 56 78 or +1 604-401-1234,987 but not 01 12 34 56 78 or 6044011234.

Or you can use a more specific format and syntax following the foo documentation.

As an example, to only allows for french format in nationa syntax you would do:


This will allows for 01 12 34 56 78 or +33 1 12 34 56 78 but not +1 604-401-1234 or 6044011234.

Crispy forms

If you are using Bootstrap5, you just need to add this:



Check Crispy form template pack documentation for more details.

Request form itself

Load default settings:

from request_form.settings import *

Then overrides the Settings you need.

Mount application URLs#

Then mount applications URLs:

urlpatterns = [
    path("request-form/", include("request_form.urls")),
    path("code-check/", include("captcha.urls")),

The first one is for Request form itself and the second one is used to reload captcha. You can change their path if needed.

Apply migrations#

Once everything is done, you can apply database migrations.


Repository contains a sandbox that is a simple Django project with everything configured to just work, it can be an easy way to try Request form.

For this you need to get the repository and install it locally in development mode, see documentation System requirements for details.